
Patent madness mapped !

Despite my fondness for most of the things that are developed in Cupertino’s factory of dreams,  Apple’s fondness of software patents is one of their least pleasant characteristics at the moment. If it’s not bad enough trying to protect the very idea of a tablet computer by patents ( imagine if someone had down that with laptops ?) this patent, is in effect trying to patent the process of cartography !

To illustrate just how ludicrous software patents have become, the image below displayed electronically could be in breach of Apple’s successful patent !

Clearly there is a need for Patents, but the current process by which almost any vague idea or any concept even with considerable prior art is granted a patent has to change.

Written and submitted from home (51.425N, 0.331W)


The return of the Apple sticker


You may remember my concerns with continuing the tradition of putting an Apple Sticker on my car, in a time when it so common to see Apple Computers that the cult was no more. Well thanks to eBay I have found salvation, a vintage rainbow Apple Sticker now adorns my car, demonstrating that yes I am an Apple enthusiast of the old school !

Thanks Andrew for the inspiration !

Written and submitted from home (51.425N, 0.331W)

Apple iphone

Apple censors iPhone forum

Seems more of the ways of the mobile industry is rubbing off on the once shinny Apple brand.

This is a link to a disscussion on one of the Apple forums discussing availbailty of the white iPhone as an upgrade for O2 users in the UK. Only it has been removed…

Thanks to the wonders of the Google Index cache however we can view the original content, and is does not make happy reading for Apple or O2, however the fact that these critical comments have been removed shows poor judgement, and puts Apple in a very poor light.

The final comment by Neil Holmes before the discussion was removed is damming..

So much for Think Different !

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.