
Breo Watch Instructions

No my blog has not been hacked, but to help the other Dad’s out there who will come across this problem here are the instructions to set the time on a Brio Watch.

Not heard of them, you don’t have a tweenager then.

My Daughter returned from her hols with her new watch..”Dad can you set it ?”

“Of course..”

20 minutes later.. “OK do you have the instructions”


One hour of fruitless searching on the web later.. the instructions were found, and the problem of a very sensitive “m” button resolved by a sharper pencil, everybody happy again.

To save you the time, here are the instructions.. just keep pushing button “m” even though it seems not to be working !

Breo Watch Instructions (click to enlarge)

Love being a Dad !

Written and submitted from home (51.425N, 0.331W)

69 replies on “Breo Watch Instructions”

Does anyone know a simple way of showing the date on a Breo ‘Spin’ just the only way I know is by taking it off and faffing around with a pen to press the tiny M button. Alternating time and date would be useful but any solution would be appreciated!

Reading this has really cheered me up. After spending all day trying to set it, I’ve just figured out that if I squeeze my breo it resets….. Knowing I’m not alone with the pen faffing and grunting has made my day 🙂

I found the instructions a month ago:
…but just found the right size battery replacement this week.
Pressing the A button twice doesn’t put it into date/time change mode. Pressing the M button once shows the date for two seconds (pressing A button in this mode does nothing), pressing M button twice shows the seconds (pressing A while in this mode resets the seconds to zero, but then they immediately resume forward progression), pressing M button three times brings it back to time (pressing A button once, twice, five times, held down, etc. in this mode does nothing). And all of this is on the back of the face with ball point pen. Basically this thing is a piece of garbage, amirite?

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