A very sensible report in today’s independent rebuts the nonsense reported in the Daily Mail last week.
My house has a duck egg blue door in case you are interested..
Still I can die happy knowing that it some small way I have upset the Daily Mail 🙂
4 replies on “Sense / Nonsense”
The Google cam-car came down my road the same day as the article appeared in the Daily Mail, which was great timing as it confirmed to me that it was a Google car. I can’t wait to see if I can see myself looking out of my window!! Some people will complain about anything, personally, I think it’s a great initiative – I just hope Google get permission to let it go live despite all the techno-phobes complaining.
“Daily Mail breeds fear and hate”. Imagine if they printed that as a headline confession. Disgusting example of many things wrong with certain threads of UK mindset. Why I cannot come home from my European exile.
Daily Mail: makes neither sensible reading, fire lighting material of toilet paper.
Oh yeah..dont forget to read page 5 for your daily fix of gay hate and self righteous clergy governance.
The UK is ‘watching’ Google building up StreetView
Why Ullapool, Highlands, Scotland??
As taking and publishing photographs in a public place in the UK is not yet a criminal offence, (unless the place to be photographed is a prohibited place), I fail to see why Google taking photographs by driving down a public street is causing so much legal fuss. Mind you, if Google did it in France they’d probably need Model Release Forms for everyone photographed!