
O2 iPhone update : your fired !!

Upgrade not if O2 can help it

You would have though given the amount of hype, O2 would have expected people to try and buy/upgrade their iPhones as soon as they could. So with just a few days to the July 11th launch date, they roll out a clearly under powered infrastructure to take orders.. Love to hear if you manage it today, I’m going to wait till next week..

Is anybody surprised this has happened, maybe some of siralans candidates took up positions with O2 ? 

Written and submitted from the Google Office, London.


Thoughts User Generated Maps

Taking User Generated Maps at bit far…

Love this youTube video review from Nicks Technopics of the ground breaking Map Share feature on the current generation of Tom-Tom devices, but just look out for the coolest cheatcodes yet at the end of the video.

Written and submitted from the Google Office, London.


So plans change..

So my plans have changed and I will now be going along to the State of the Map Conference in Limerick. I Look forward to continuing the discussion of Map Maker over a few pints of the dark stuff…

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.