
Links for 21 Feb 2008

Airport Security
Another place not recommended to run Windows

USGS Tele Atlas inside
An interesting announcement from the ESRI federal user conference, USGS maps in the future will use TA map data, another step towards the mapping operations of the USGS moving to the commercial sector ?

GeoWeb 2008 Student Contest
Always one of the most interesting Geospatial conferences , this year there is a competition sponsored by Galdos, Google and the OSGeo foundation for a student to win an all expenses trip to attend this select conference in beautiful Vancouver, BC.

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.

One reply on “Links for 21 Feb 2008”

If you’ve had the opportunity to inject your thoughts into the Landsat Continuity Mission report that was submitted to the administration, Ed — and then read the response from the administration — you will see how the push is to ‘commercialize’ USGS and NASA dramatically. It’s an absolute insult to the tax-payer and errodes confidence in our science programs.

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