Mobile Nokia N95 Thoughts Vodafone

Are Vodafone trying to hide a data billing issue ?

In the effort to find lower cost wireless data access I like I’m sure many others signed up to the new Vodafone “Mobile Internet” tariff for data access on my N95.

This offers be 120Mb of data per month for £7.50 or $15.00 – not brilliant value but OK !

So imagine my surprise when I got a monthly bill for well over £100 ($200), of course I went straight to the vodafone website to check my bill, but all I got was this..

Vodafone online billing

The online billing part of the Vodafone website has been broken for at least the last week ? Could this be anything to do with vodafone billing its customers the old and very expensive tariff for data by mistake ?

I waiting now for a paper bill to see why my last months bill is three or four times what it usually is – some coincidence don’t you think ?

Check you bills vodafone customers !!

Written and submitted from the M11 Services, using the BTOpenzone wifi network.
(Glamourous life this !!)

2 replies on “Are Vodafone trying to hide a data billing issue ?”

Vodafone took 6 months to finally start billing me correctly after supposedly moving me onto a new tariff. Every month I got my incorrect statement and called them to correct it they promised that it was fixed. Good luck Ed!

Agh. They took away the old data tariff 8 months before introducing a new one. They converted my personal account into a corporate account to put me on the Unlimited datacard and locked me out of the online billing, and indeed their phone system, because nobody would talk to me as an orphaned corporate customer.

I had to cancel, re-register my online billing account, wait for a full-moon, somehow ask for paper billing, wait for last month’s “problem with the billing system” to be fixed and now I’m unable to view flickr from my phone because it’s ‘adult content’ and I don’t have a Visa or Mastercard with which to prove my age.

Bizarrely I still refuse to go with another provider “because of the hassle of moving”. I may be mental.

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