AGI GIS Thoughts

AGI Conference… Make or Break ?

AGI Conference

Less than a week to go the the UK’s main GIS Show and full marks to the AGI, for putting together what I think is one of the most interesting conference agenda’s in years.. If this years range of topics and speakers is not enough to get “bums on seats”, it is hard to see what else the conference organisers could have done to produce a conference to meet the needs of the GI industry in the UK.

But there is the challenge.. the UK industry is mature and dominated by a small number of large vendors, the OS and ESRI(UK) really stand out, and most users are fully aware of what is going on in the industry from the web and personal contacts – yes the industry really is that small in the UK. The AGI also represents a wide range of opinions and interests, so its often difficult to see a clear direction in its activities.

The AGI should be commended for inviting the “new” players this year, in the form of Google and Microsoft, but there is also something of a “organisation gap” as many of innovators who are very active in the UK, the likes of Steve Coast and Mikel Maron, are not traditional GIS people so it is good to see the “non-GIS” approach to using GI represented by Tom Steinberg of mySociety.

For the AGI however success will not come from positive comments, the “Bums of seats” is an important element here, as the conference and exhibition has become the major revenue stream for the AGI.

So.. if you have not decided on attending yet, its not too late – remember if you don’t go this year there might not be a conference or even an AGI next year !!

Written and submitted from the Bruntsfield Hotel, Edinburgh, using my Vodafone 3G network card.

GIS opensource Thoughts

UK Mash-up event

Mash up eventI blogged a few months ago in response to Charles Arthur on the perceived lack of UK mapping mashups. While I did not agree at the time with his position that lack of data was the major problem, I guess we must accept that he is right to note the lower profile of creating mash-ups in the UK compared to the USA.

This is a pity for whatever reason as the mash-up movement represents a potential hot spot for innovation in the Geospatial industry. To discuss the state of UK mashups the AGI, OGC and BCS Geospatial SIG are holding an event at the OS on the 20th October.

The Draft agenda includes the following topics..

  • What geospatial mash-ups are all about?
  • Background on Geospatial Mash-ups
  • Example Mash-up Application
  • Questions and Facilitated Discussion
  • Geospatial Mash-up Tutorial
  • How are we going to make use of geospatial mash-ups in the UK?
  • Enabling Data Sharing in Mash-ups
  • Panel Discussion: What does the future hold for mash-ups – single malt, blended or moonshine?

The event is primarily targeted at the existing GI industry – including those from commercial and non-commercial standpoints, and the expected audience will encompass both those with a strong technical perspective and those with wider strategic vision and market foresight.

We need to recognise that the concept of geospatial mash-ups is increasingly being discussed, but is not widely understood in the traditional GI community in the UK.

This event is designed to bring together the leading experts in the field, and to learn from them how the approach could be more widely applied across the GI industry.

As an industry we may well find this a challenging concept or simply characterise it as “putting pins on a map”, however it might also mark the beginnings of a wider trend where the ownership of information becomes much more distributed in the future…

To register visit this page

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.

Google Earth Thoughts

Combining brands.. BA and GE

Google and BA together

BA and Google combine their offerings in a really interesting way with BA’s latest world offers campaign.

I like that the viewer really gets a sense of “where” destinations actually are, using GE to “fly” between them, something often lost in our geography challenged generation.

Got me thinking however, whose brand is using the others?

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.