
This summers rave accessory – a GPS ?

Todays Guardian (Yes I do still read it 🙂 ) reports that the Police in the West Country are having to cope with high tech rave organisers who along with their MP3 powered sound systems are promoting their “illegal” gatherings by passing GPS co-ordinates via SMS to potential partygoers – expect another backlash against the technology from the usual quarters.

Expect a re-release of the Tony Christie classic “Show me the way to 35.185594,-101.824036” !

6 replies on “This summers rave accessory – a GPS ?”

Possibly because of the popularity, and handiness of in-car GPS, you can see why the paper map is not so favoured whilst driving. Shame. Its also leading to people no longer using good old easy to understand UK national grid coordinates – that we learnt at school (do they still teach map-reading nowadays?)


Pleased to say they still do.. but I’m afraid most people soon forget.

You would not believe the number of people who work at Ordnance Survey who can’t give a map reference!!

How about the number of people at the OS who can’t read? Or at least read the writting on the wall…

Well, last week I had the pleasure of experiensing my brother-in-laws Tom Tom GPS crash to an unrecoverable state.
Unlucky for me I had put complete confidence in the device and had joyfully accepted a new unknown route to my known destination. Being about mid journey I had no clue where to go next.
My sister saved the day by fishing out an oldfashioned paper map – safely navigating us to the destination.

So my advise would be for the ravers to mark the coords on a good old paper map as well as putting it in the GPS.

Hmm, I can see the police pulling people over for having (a) a map or (b) a GPS system in their car while being young.

Sounds like a rewrite of the Not The Nine O’Clock News sketch..
“You arrested him for driving in an easterly direction?”
“He had a map, Sarge..”

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