Technology Thoughts

BitTorrent bother – a TV journalist who knows his stuff – yes really

In these days of shabby reporting of technology stories in the mainstream media, it’s really refreshing to see the BBC’s Newsnight reporter owning up to writing a poor story on BitTorent and putting things right with a well argued online article addressing the issue with more balance.

Now if only the media could get the stories accurate in the first place, but as Adam Livingstone points out in the media’s eye the internet is populated with paedophiles and terrorists!

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.

2 replies on “BitTorrent bother – a TV journalist who knows his stuff – yes really”

Thanks for your kind comments but I have to say that I didn’t write or produce the original story for which I wrote the apology. The apology was for a factual inaccuracy – the statement that filesharing is theft – not for the main thrust of the piece, which I agreed with.

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