GIS Thoughts

Tim Berners-Lee joins the bloggers

Thanks to John, one of the OS semantic web experts for pointing out that Tim Berners-Lee has started a blog.

Some of my colleagues at the OS have in the past discussed the importance of GI with Tim, and he recognises geographic information as an important component to the semantic systems of the future.

Now you know this is going to be one you must read….

One reply on “Tim Berners-Lee joins the bloggers”

It’s good hear that there is growing interests in geospatial semantic web. Not only I believe geospatial technology is important to the future semantic web, but I also believe GIS can exploit Semantic Web technology to solve many data integration and knowledge discovery problems.

Recently I’ve created the Geospatial Semantic Web Blog. This blog attempts to track the latest news and development that encourage the cross-fertilization of geospatial and semantic web technologies.

The Geospatial Semantic Web Blog:

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