GIS Thoughts

ESRI UC farewell..

I have left San Diego, and flown up to San Jose to meet up with the people at Fujitsu Siemens the people who build the tablet PC’s the OS field staff use.

As always, enjoyed the ESRI conference, the whole web services message seems to be coming together now and it was good to see OGC standards prominent.

My initial opinion around the new arcexplorer is changing, although I’m sure the prototype demostrated on mainstage makes great use of ‘Smoke and Mirrors”, a thin client consuming Arc Web services makes a very useful tool.

Imagine a tool as easy to use as google earth with the capabilty to carry out complex geoprocessing if that is what you need..

Missed the blogger’s event, “Dicks” was so busy and I was late – so ending up going to the padres game. Next time guys

Written and submitted from the Plaza Suites Hotel, San Jose, using the hotels broadband network.

One reply on “ESRI UC farewell..”

Missed you at the blogger get together at Dick’s. I enjoy reading your post and was hoping to put a face with the blog. Keep blogging and hopefully we can all meet up next year in San Diego.

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