GIS Thoughts virtual earth

Middle East mashup

Middle East blogs

In the world of pin map mashups, it is hearting to see the avaibility of mapping api’s used in a more construcutive way that yet another real estate application. The Truth Laid Bear blog has produced a virtual earth mash-up which is tracking the latest middle east war and identifing the locations of blogs still operating despite the conflict.

Lets hope this a mashup will soon be no longer required, but things don’t look good on that front – shame on the UK and US governments for not supporting the UN call for an immediate ceasefire!

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.

virtual earth

Virtual Earth UK, now with new imagery!

virtual earth uk

Microsoft have launched a new UK versions of virtual earth with new imagery sourced from getmapping. The imagery seems to leapfrog the imagery in google earth/maps seeming to be more recent at least in the area I looked at and appears to be around the same resolution 15-20cm.

Remember Microsoft have adopted a more conventional business model with virtual earth, and are selling it as a service to commercial users, in contrast to googles surposed “non-commercial” only approach

Written and submitted from the Holiday Inn Express Exeter, using the hotels wifi network.