GIS Technology

Lessons learned

Last week we hosted at the Ordnance Survey a group from Lantmäteriet the Swedish Mapping Agency who were interested in our programme to develop a new geospatial data management system.

I guess we should not be too surprised, but not only are the problems we are trying to solve very similar but the approach to solving them including the technology choices in terms of ESRI and Oracle are also very much aligned. We were happy to share our experiences and some of the painful lessons learnt over the past couple of years, experiences which we need to be shared as anyone thinking of delivering such a programme would face the same challenges.

The OS business model is not to offer consultancy to other organisations, and at the same time we still need to complete our programme successful so we are not an “open house”, however over the next year or so look for a series of presentations from the OS on our experiences in building real enterprise GIS systems.

Written and submitted from the Holiday Inn Express Southampton, using my Vodafone 3G network card.

GIS Technology

Postcodes go AJAX

Chris Lightfoot the smart developer behind the mySociety websites dropped me an email over the weekend, with details of his latest project Postcodeine an AJAX based application that dynamically maps GB postcodes. OK so it may not be very useful, but it’s cool and Chris is making the code available under a GPL.

And before anybody gets too excited his postcode database is licensed.

Technology Thoughts

Upgrade heaven

Took the opportunity this weekend to upgrade the blog software I use to WordPress 2.0, mainly to use the comment and trackback spam tools. At the same time I updated the header image to use my icon I acquired from a great outfit called dv-graphics, well worth taking a look at!

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.