As I have noted before, OS is interested in GeoDRM activities as a way of standardising how rights to access information and the transfer of those rights between individuals and groups is standardised as much as possible.
Of course we also need to track developments in the more contentious area of data and IP protection techniques, and today I have been visiting some people who have a solution in this space.
As I expected, at the moment, this type of technology is not fit for purpose for geospatial data, not taking into the account the “spatial” nature of geographic information and imposing unacceptable restrictions on the users computer platform (windows & IE only just does not work anymore !!!)
This raises a more fundamental question in my mind, are such protective technologies really worth the effort, sure they reduce the perceived risk of data leakage in the mind of the data owner, but as DVD Jon has proved such systems can nearly always be broken. We don’t currently protect data in this way, and I would suggest continuing not to and relying on other legal means may be the best route forward.
Written and submitted from Starbucks, MK Centre , Milton Keynes, using the t-mobile wifi network.