Blog Thoughts

Why Concorde is the only airliner at Heathrow on Google Maps…

It was 20 years ago today…

It was 20 years ago today

BA002 on finals returning from New York JFK on the last commercial operation by Concorde on the 24th October 2003 marking the end of the era of supersonic air travel. Filled with celebrities G-BOAF touched down at 4:05pm and I was lucky enough to be there amongst the many thousands of Concorde fans to see it and the two previous consecutive Concorde landings.. 

Today G-BOAF also the last Concorde ever to fly is on display at the excellent Aerospace Museum in Bristol, while at Heathrow her sister aircraft G-BOAB resides outside at British Airways Maintenance Facility, seemingly unloved and forgotten.

However all is not lost, if you look at Heathrow Airport of Google Maps you will find that Concorde is the only airliner visible !

Heathrow the airport without airliners ?

This is not the result of a Satellite or Aerial photograph captured during a very quiet period or during the COVID lock-down when of course there were many aircraft parked at the airport, instead it is the result of image processing and the use of AI techniques to remove moving objects..

As Concorde G-BOAB has not moved in many years it is the only airliner at Heathrow..

A last laugh for Alpha Bravo !