
If you learnt ICT from a BBC, Sinclair or Atari, read on..

If you are a tech-savy parent and are wondering how you can help your children learn useful ICT skills after the well deserved criticism of the GCSE IT curriculum, buy a Raspberry Pi when they go on sale and let your kinds discover computers perhaps in the way you did ?

Oh, did I mention they will only cost $35 !

I’m planning to order a Raspberry PI, when they go on sale, but the latest update from the team producing the cheap hobbyist computer should be required reading for UK politicians trying to restart manufacturing capacity in Britain.

Bottom line, UK companies are too slow, too expensive and perhaps most importantly it is more tax efficient to import a device manufactured outside the UK than it is to build one here !

2 replies on “If you learnt ICT from a BBC, Sinclair or Atari, read on..”

Talking of kids, don’t forget the big kids 🙂 My parents bought me a ZX81 thirty years ago, from WH Smiths if I remember right. So for my 40th I asked for a Raspberry PI. It looks particularly interesting for DIY Web-TV hacking, if the reports of XBMC successes are to be believed.

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