
You can’t beat a good story..

Sometimes you can’t beat a simple story..

On this side of the pond it is had to understand just how big a deal the Superbowl is in the US, it remains one of the few remaining occasions when most of the country sits down and watches the same rectangle of moving pixels at the same time.

So running an ad during the Superbowl is a big deal, from the legendary 1984 Macintosh add, through the dot com madness of the 1990’s it has always provided an interesting reflection of the IT industry. So for the first time yesterday Google’s first Superbowl ad has attracted much attention.

I get the impression that this particular ad first viewed last year on youTube, was so well liked (if not loved) that it was felt that it deserved the biggest audience possible.

For me the interesting thing, is just how embedded geography is to the story, how often geospatial technology is either used directly as in maps or is there behind the scenes – Paris the place not the celebrity…

Written and submitted from Heathrow Airport  (51.478N, 0.491W)