
OK if the AGI can change…

Last year I pretty much gave up on the AGI conference as it did not seem to be representative of the Geographic Industry I could see around me.  However over the past few months my attitude has begun to change, finally I pushed into completely reversing my opinion my this communication..


Yes,this is a Twitter message from AGI conference organisers announcing a stream at the conference addressing the issues and potential of the Geoweb, mobile applications, mash ups etc. 

Its great to see the AGI making use of Twitter, as it is a mechanism to communicate with a whole new generation of GI developers and users.

This is a great opportunity for both communities to learn from each other, and I hope is a reflection of the AGI actually moving to represent the wider community of Geographic Information users, rather than just a fan club for it’s largest corporate sponsor.

See you in Birmingham !!

5 replies on “OK if the AGI can change…”

Why do the AGI insist on using Twitter, surely it would be more apt to use something like BrightKite or Jaiku which has a stronger location driven element?


Nobody’s insisting on using anything, its a free web after all. We’re just trying to spread the message as far as we can, much more people on Twitter on than BrightKite & Jaiku combined… Feel free to join in and broadcast on whatever channel you like.

As a confirmed non-latest fad band wagon jumping non-user of Twit-book and My-Tube I think it’s great that the AGI is using appropriate communication methods to reach the various GIS communities that exist on the internet – I mean web 2.0 of course – when’s service pack 1 being released? 😉


Glad to know that you are back with us Ed, please come to Stratford rather than Birmingham or we won’t see you.

I don’t think we have ever been a fan club for our biggest sponsor or any of our sponsors. We are very appreciative of their support because without it we could not provide a 2 day residential conference including accommodation, meals and party for less than £300. And even if your employers sponsored us we would be ever so grateful but we still wouldn’t join a fan club.


How would we bring location into the comms if we were using Brightkite or similar? Would love to do something like that but not sure what the location relevance would be. Ideas?

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