Ordnance Survey

Success and Recognition.. Who needs it.

The Guardian after a gap of a couple of years has a list of its top sites of the year, and as the article points out the two big trends have been in collaboration and LBS applications.

One of the sites selected is a personal favourite of mine “where’s the path” a mashup of Google and OS mapping..

Ironic then, the publicity of the national newspaper mentions results in..

Perhaps out of embarrassment, the OS may up the daily limit ? 

Written and submitted from the Google Office, London.

2 replies on “Success and Recognition.. Who needs it.”

The Guardian listing has pushed WTP over OS quota by mid morning / lunchtime recently.

My latest tweak is to switch to out of Copyright 1940s OS maps when the daily quota for modern maps has been exceeded.

The old maps have other uses too – like seeing what has become of our railway network.

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