Data Policy Thoughts

Show Us a Better Way, The results show

The finalists in the innovative, Show Us a Better Way: competition have been announced and its great so see how many of them make sure of geospatial information, again evidence I’m sure of the pent-up demand for access to geospatial data in the UK.

The finalists are receiving funding to either build working prototypes of continue development of existing systems such as the excellent wheres the path site and ave wrigley’s UK schools map which I first came across at the UK Mash-Up event over two years ago.

The actual winner will be announced in BBC Radio 4’s iPM programme at 5:45am on Saturday morning, for those of us who are already suffering from sleep deficit from Tuesday Night’s US election excitement, of course you can catch up with the results on the shows podcast.

Written and submitted from the Google Office, London.