Google Maps Ordnance Survey Thoughts

Where is the Path updated.

From the Mapperz blog, news that Bill Chadwick has added the ability to use the Google Earth plugin to his excellent “Where is the Path” application. For a long time this has been in my mind the best OS OpenSpace API site, allowing users to visualise routes using both the excellent OS maps and Google Imagery amongst many other data sets, and then export routes directly to their GPS via the GPX format.

Where is the path

This is just the type of innovative value add that comes from allowing developers access to raw data and server infrastructures, users now have access to a capability that is not present in the OS Get-A-Map service for example. It would be great to see further development of OpenSpace and eventually more favourable licensing terms to see more OS data used in this way, who knows even on Google Maps one day 🙂

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.


4 replies on “Where is the Path updated.”

Ed, I agree this is the best UK Mapping applications using both OpenSpace API and Google Maps API with Earth plug in.

Though like yesterday the 30,000 tile impressions is too low and needs to be raised, the OpenSpace has great potential but as you know high restrictive in use.
Hence very few OpenSpace Examples out there.
OS need to upgraded the OpenLayers to a more current version to improve performance and functions.
On the wish list – 1:25,000… OS ‘get a map’ has it.

Yes 30K tile impressions is very low, most API sites offer hundreds of thousands of transactions a day, I hope the OS view OpenSpace as something more than just something they had to do in response to the “Power of Information” report, but I fear this is the case..


I have recently been using Google Earth to look at UK places and have noticed the Ordnance Survey view/overlay, which seems to appear whenever I look at UK places, whether I want it or not. While this is sometimes nice, I would like to be able to remove/disable it at times to see the traditional Google ‘earth from the air’ view. Do you (or might anyone you know whose email you can pass on to me) have any suggestions as to how to remove/disable the OS view/overlay? Please could you kindly email me any help.


Are you talking about actually viewing this content in Google Earth rather than a webpage?

If so you should find it as a layer in either “My Places” or “Temporary Places” in the left hand panel, and just unchecking the box should stop it’s display in the future.


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