
Links for 5 April 2008

Emerging Mass Market Geo Standards

Andrews Turners excellent presentation to last weeks OGC Technical Committee meeting. Ask yourself, how many of these technologies you knew / could explain, many of these will be important to the GI industry over the next few years.


SokwaneleWith the continued concern over the election held last weekend, the Sokwanle site which has been mapping the election conditions in Zimbabwe, is an important example of our the new tools of the geoweb have allowed new communities of users to map what is important to them. The politicisation of mapping is not new and maps have been used to make political points for as long as there have been maps, but now the process is open to all, not just governments.

Preserved Ukrainian military aircraft at Poltava AB

Aviation geek image, from one of my very favourite Google Earth related site, IMINT & Analysis, informed image interpretation from Sean O’Connor. In this case I just love these cold-war era bombers, once so secret now museum pieces.

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.

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