
Links for 17 April 2008

Geographic Naming continued
Excellent, thoughtful post by Mikel on the problem of Geographic Naming on Internet Maps, as for Cyprus, like Wokingham in OSM, we still need to do it ๐Ÿ™‚

Sea level rise Mash-up
Interesting way to visualise the potential impacts of Sea Level Rise, from an organisation called Global Warming Art, who are themselves an interesting example of the product of the impact of democratising technology on peoples understand of science.

Virgin Media CEO talks b****cks
Neil Berkett, Virgin Meida CEO attacks net neutrality, calling it b****cks. Well b****cks to you and your rubbish service Neil !

Whereyougonnabes first day
If nothing else Peter Batty wins the prize for the neogeograophy service with the longest name, his impressions of the first day of his facebook application as a live service. I could not get it to work in Safari, but they are working on it ๐Ÿ™‚

Written and submitted from just north of Nassjo, Sweden from an SJ X2000 train, using it’s onboard 802.11 network.