An interesting comment trail at All-Points blog, the ages of geography argument will continue until both sides learn from each others approach, and yes there is stuff to learn from both sides.
The establishment (Paleogeographers) need to understand the value of “Openness” it all it forms, API’s, Licensing etc. and massive potential of users of GI to improve it, while the neo-geographers could do well to understand the requirments of enterprise users, where these are different from the mainstream.
However I would point out that many who regard themesleves as ‘Neogeographers” are happy not to be regarded as GIS people.. now what does that tell you ?
Written and Submitted from the Calistoga Lodge, Napa Valley, using it’s free wifi network.
10 replies on “Neogeography v Paleogeography : Round 1”
I just use ‘geo-spatial’ and do my magic. Let the others waste their time.
“He says ‘tah-may-da’, she says ‘toe-mah-toe’…”
At the end of the day, it’s still a tomato.
The perceived distinction was made apparent to me last year’s OS Mashup where Peter Trevelyan (Met Office) railed against mashups as simplistic toys. I felt there was something for all of us to learn and making friends would have been a good start. (In his defence, though, he does keep a database of every particle of air over the UK rather than ‘’)
Here, Ed. We can start offering the following as a tie-in to an analogy:
“What does the following finding teach us?”
People attempt to redefine existing professions and define divisions between this and that, in order to ring fence their own supposed but incorrectly stated right to an existing, new or speciality area. As much as what we do now is technologically light years from old pen and ink map scribing; the fundamentals are the same. Neo and Paleo. It’s horse-sh*t and those who spout it, know it. Ultimately, it’s also pretty insulting. Dinosaurs never died out. They evolved.
Life isn’t easy, Tony. If life were easy — we wouldn’t have a need for all this data.
I feel some in the GIS world are feeling somewhat insecure! These so called divisions I think are destructive, and they certainly don’t forward the use of GIS by all. This argument is not about GIS in general, it is about GIS application technologies and publishing of map data via the web. The bottom line is a map is a map regardless of what you can do with it. The basics of cartography have not changed in decades only the medium on which the map data is displayed! If GIS is to have a bright future, then the more accessible GIS technologies are the better! I welcome young blood into the GIS industry; their ideas and enthusiasm are most welcome!
Round 2?
[…] Basically they have different strengths. Recently I have got really tired of the paleo vs neo geography debate. It should be about using the right tool for the job and working to integrating them […]
[…] view and in terms of reacting to outbreaks. Venue check-ins seem to be a throwback to the days of Neogeography and the mayors of foursquare, but they remain a very practical and appropriate way for people to […]