Google Maps Thoughts

Our Dumb World : Who needs the CIA World factbook now..

Our dumb world

The Onion a great news magazine and website from over the pond brings us their version of the World Fact Book in the form on a new Google Maps mash-up Our Dumb World – The worlds countries summarised into simple info bubbles, you need look no further for a comprehensive world view.

Written and Submitted from the Google Office, London.

2 replies on “Our Dumb World : Who needs the CIA World factbook now..”

Oh yeah, eh? Getting a flat of those bevvies are pretty sweet to sit up on the chesterfield with and watch some hockey, eh…. Those CIA hosers have no idea what’s going on eh? 😉

Just my 2 CDN cents (which incidentally, cost the same as 2 US cents! Woohoo!)

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