AGI Thoughts

AGI moves with the times…

The AGI 2007 Conference blogsite is now live, an interesting way to track progress running up to this years AGI conference, which itself is a radical departure from previous years… Make sure you comment if you have anything to say, this type of openness in the way the AGI works should be applauded.

I sure this change in direction for he conference is a good move, however I’m not sure which of the groups represented on the poster is me.. guess I need a hard hat !

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.

One reply on “AGI moves with the times…”

Thanks for the positive comments about the AGI conference. I am really excited by the conference this year. I think it will be good value, thoughtful in content, a great networking opportunity and a positive step forward for the GeoCommunity.
I am the finance guy at the AGI and keen to learn about GIS issues. I am partly doing this by writing a blog – Given my non-geographic background, it’s a bit like Ann Widdecombe writing a good sex guide, but hopefully I’ll learn as I go along.
Thanks for your blog which is giving me an excellent insight into current issues. And good luck in the new job.

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