GIS opensource Thoughts

MapServer in the Enterprise

This evenings BCS Geospatial presentation by Jonathan Lowe of IBM was a real eye-opener for architects of Enterprise Geospatial systems. Jonathan is working on a large geospatial repository for DEFRA, a major government department.

We are talking about a major project here managing temporal spatial databases containing national coverage of OSMM and hundreds of other business layers in a Oracle Spatial database. As this is an IBM solution the platform is 64-bit AIX and the application server WebSphere.. and here was the challenge –

What is the only web mapping application that will run in a 64-bit JVM – MapServer

Open Source GIS tools really are mainstream ready !!

A great presentation by Jonathan, if ever you want to understand life in Government IT, you can’t go wrong with Jonathan’s choice of Terry Gilliams film Brazil.

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.

2 replies on “MapServer in the Enterprise”


You forgot about Snowflake, shame on you. Being a complete Java shop everything we do is capable of running on any platform including Jonathan’s AIX 64-bit JVM and even your trusty OS-X.

I’m not sure why there’s not more Java out in the geospatial world? The usual answer is ‘its slow’ but given that we’ve developed some of the fastest tools around that seems a little short sighted.

I’m a big Java fan always will be. So next time you need to deploy an Enterprise WFS on your toaster – give us shout.


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