
Virgin Atlantic bans Dell and Apple laptops

As reported by the BBC, more precisely Virgin are banning the batteries in these laptops, following a few isolated reports of them overheating..

The batteries are not safe, Virgin argues, when attached to a laptop, one should therefore wrap them in some I would assume flammable material and carry them in your other hand luggage ( oh yes you don’t have a big bag any more – sorry) or put them in the hold where for some unknown reason they are less likely to “bust into flames”.

You are able to use your laptop without batteries in Upper Class or premium economy where there is an in-seat power supply…

You don’t suppose this might have something to do with selling more premium class tickets do you ?

One reply on “Virgin Atlantic bans Dell and Apple laptops”

Better check your laptop works with the battery removed (and the power supply plugged in) – some don’t

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