GIS Thoughts

Tele Atlas get it..

Tele Atlas clearly get one of the key elements of “web 2.0”, engage with your customer and make them part of your solution. Their beta Map Insight website allows users to identify and correct errors in Tele Atlas data.

This is a win-win solution, the data provider identifies and corrects errors that actually matter to their users and the user develops a stronger relationship with the data provider when they see their correction implemented… thats a important step to develop trust.

There may critics will no doubt argue, be quality control issues with some information, but remember we are dealing with quite specialist information hopefully without the potential for agenda driven distortion as see in wikipedia.

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.

5 replies on “Tele Atlas get it..”

Perhaps the next big leap for mass market devices such as TomTom might be a ‘phone home’ button (where home is a real-time live GIS database)

TrafficAid -( ) seems to be well on the way using ‘good old fashioned’ mobile phone technology…. (who needs Web 2.0!)

So on the quality front – which is better – no information or information that that might be 10-20% inaccurate. Horse for courses?

Hi Ed,

I think its great that TeleAtlas is starting to listen to its users. But (you knew there would be a but, right šŸ™‚ ) another undetermined issue is how long it will take for this feedback to make it back out into TeleAtlas’s products. Their quality control process would involve them going to survey the area themselves I’d guess, so the acquisition needs to fit into their schedule, and once corrected, TeleAtlas only publishes updates periodically. In short, it could be a long time between reporting an error and seeing it fixed, and if that’s too long people will lose interest/trust in the feedback mechanism.

I’ve tried to look at the link, but everytime I do, I get “unexpected error – please try again later”. It would be interesting to see how this compares to previous research ideas.

BTW, I like the new design of your site, but it would be nice if links were more obvious (if the text were a different colour for instance), it is hard to spot them without hovering the mouse over your posts.


I have updated the url it should work now.. take your point about the links.. i’ll get onto it – a happy evening css editing.

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