Aviation GPS RIAT Technology

Where did I park the car ??

So this weekend, I indulged my passion for Aviation and went along to the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire. Arriving just after the airfield opened, I was directed to park, as is usual at airshows, in a field alongside 20,000 other cars in an environment with no real landmarks – how was I going to find my car again at the end of the show ?

The Problem

As a geospatial expert of course I had the solution to the problem in my bag, my trusty garmin GPS receiver within a minute or so I knew my car was parked at 51.67922,-01.81322.

Great I could now navigate back to my car at the end of the day, and be talked in by my Garmin.

The Solution

BTW My car if you are interested, was parked here as shown in Google maps..

And the show.. excellent, star for me was the Boeing MV-22B Osprey tilt rotor. As a child the major influence on my understanding of technology was the TV series Thunderbirds, so I’m really pleased to see a design of aircraft that Gerry Anderson would appreciate.

Boeing MV-22B Osprey

To see my other pictures from the event just click on the picture above…

3 replies on “Where did I park the car ??”

Indeed… micro scale LBS applications ? Pehaps what will provide the silver bullet to kick start LBS is nothing more complex than location aware asset tracking ?


I definitely rnemmoecd a TomTom if you’re in the US. Garmins are much slower at advancing their technology.TomTom enhances their devices every year this year with the release of the X30 devices.

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