GIS Thoughts

UK Mashups?

Uk Mapping Mash-ups

Following a comment by Charles Arthur (yes he of the Free Our Data Campaign) that there were no UK based mapping mashups, I did a bit of a search and came up with this page which lists at least 22 mashups in the UK, and yes they all contain Ordnance Survey data licensed through partners.

If you know of any more I’d love to know..

Written and submitted from the Holiday Inn Express Southampton, using my Vodafone 3G network card.

6 replies on “UK Mashups?”

Interesting. My original comment said “Ed, why do you think that there are so many Google mashups for the US, and none generated by UK-based companies based on mapping data?”

Since when has any of Google, Yahoo!, Flickr, Microsoft or Feedburner been a “UK-based company”? They’re all US-based. The BBC is a corporation – but isn’t strictly a company, is it?

One other question: does the OS claim any rights to any of the data so generated?


OK I see you mean a UK alternative to Google, Yahoo, Microsoft etc… I guess it’s now a global advertising market, and difficult for a UK provider to compete- you would need to ask multimap, streetmap etc

The OS does not claim any rights in user generated data as long as it not derived directly from OS data – this is the case in GYM based mashups, so your location of the filming of a Dr Who episode is safe.

There are restrictions however imposed by GYM, and I would expect when complete many users will migrate to less restricted data like openstreetmap.


[…] I blogged a few months ago in response to Charles Arthur on the perceived lack of UK mapping mashups. While I did not agree at the time with his position that lack of data was the major problem, I guess we must accept that he is right to note the lower profile of creating mash-ups in the UK compared to the USA. […]

Since when has any of Google, Yahoo!, Flickr, Microsoft or Feedburner been a “UK-based company”? They’re all US-based. The BBC is a corporation – but isn’t strictly a company, is it?

One other question: does the OS claim any rights to any of the data so generated?

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