Technology Thoughts

Are you Web 2.0 ?

So how cool is you site, do you use AJAX? is your content developed by a community of interested users as an experiment is social networks, do you have millions of users and no obvious business model (hang on.. that can’t be right), in other words is your site on the Web2.0 List.

If you want to impress you friends in the pub tonight and convince them that you are worth some VC funding, just throw any dozen of these sites into your conversation and remember to drop the last ‘e’ from your site name.

I’m off for a few days holiday so have a great Eastr weekend 🙂

GIS Thoughts

UK Mashups?

Uk Mapping Mash-ups

Following a comment by Charles Arthur (yes he of the Free Our Data Campaign) that there were no UK based mapping mashups, I did a bit of a search and came up with this page which lists at least 22 mashups in the UK, and yes they all contain Ordnance Survey data licensed through partners.

If you know of any more I’d love to know..

Written and submitted from the Holiday Inn Express Southampton, using my Vodafone 3G network card.


Snowflake releases generic GML Viewer

Snowflake GML Viewer

As a long time user of their OS MasterMap GML viewer, I was really pleased to see Snowflake release their new GML Viewer which Snowflake claims can display any GML2/3 application schema. The snowflake guys really understand GML, as an XML dialect, a good application should be able to parse the contents of a “new” file and work out what to do with it, in the past too many vendors have made the short cut of writing tools for specific application schemas – which is only viable in the short term.

To complete my gushing… the GML viewer is a true cross platform java2se application which works on Windows, Linux, Solaris and OS X !!

Written and submitted from Starbucks,Holborn, using the t-mobile wifi connection.