
When MasterMap is a Map..

I mentioned a while ago that I was disappointed that few people were really exploiting the information in OS MasterMap to produce different cartographic representations, instead sticking to the OS “house style”.

Well last week the British Cartographic Society awarded its MasterMap “Better Mapping” award to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, for their new web mapping portal which is based on OS MasterMap data.

RBKC Winning map

The Cartography is the work of Oxford Cartographers Ltd and was praised by the judges as “aesthetically pleasing” not something you hear often when describing web based maps. The application itself is quite slick, and as an ex-resident of Chelsea I was even able to produce a map of my old apartment.

One reply on “When MasterMap is a Map..”

Dear Ed

Thanks for featuring our mapping in your blog – getting the base data to look good is what we are about, and it was interesting working with Kensington & Chelsea on this project.


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