I came across a great video last night at the tao of mac blog, what if the Microsoft package design team was responsible for creating the iPod box..
The video (beware wmv format) is funny but contains a really powerful message, how often do we in the geospatial industry over complicate the design of our products and how they are marketed?
I well aware of the argument that GIS tools are designed for professionals, and therefore will be complicated – but complicated does not have to mean poorly designed.
Is there an Apple Computer in the Geospatial Industry ?
One reply on “What if Microsoft made iPods.. and GIS was designed by Apple ?”
Ed, I’m guessing your closing question is rhetorical, or do you really want to know of a GIS player with 5% market share of the Geospatial Industry and a huge footprint in the music recording industry?
My first experience with GIS was a ‘one-click’ one with MF Works (Thinkspace). My yellow shell iMac, and some florescent gradient fill spatial analysis, a colourful experience – 1999.
I do agree some simplicity in design is required by software vendors, I notice the navigation panel in the ArcWeb Explorer beta has a iPod feel to it…progress?
Written and submitted from my Windows XP Pro Desktop; Listening to some Jack Johnson on my iPod.