GIS Thoughts

BBC opens up its news archive

Continuing the excellent online developments at the BBC, its News Archive site has been launched this week. It allows users to download 80 video clips of major news events for use with their own non-commerical projects. While the technology behind this is interesting and of course the content is fantastic, what I think is most interesting is the development of the Creative Archive Licence (similar to the creative commons concept), something that developers of spatial data like the OS need to investigate if we are to really bring geography into the mainstream.

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.

One reply on “BBC opens up its news archive”

Mike Saunt makes a good point in the Nov/Dec Geoconnexion related to this – with the exciting idea of OS following the BBC lead and providing its content for free. He mentions the issue of funding via license fee from Government and quotes the pan-Gov agreement. One could add the NIMSA money to this, and take away all the cost of sales and marketing? Perhaps the net public cost would be trivial compared to the net gain? …perhaps the idea could spread to other areas such as local gov and other gov departments…..might even open up the possibility of an address infrastucture!

I guess the trick is getting the right degree of freedom, while still maintaining some infrastructure of data quality and standardisation, within some sort of workable finacial model..easy!

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