GIS Thoughts

Happy GIS Day !!

For those of you in the UK this may be a little bit of a surprise, GIS Day has always been seen as a ESRI marketing event and therefore has never really gained much momentum in the UK, I think there are just five events in total this year. This is a shame, GIS Day is a great idea, making GIS more accessible to people by holding local events is a brilliant idea, it just needs to be supported by the wider industry.

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.

GIS Thoughts

Terrafuture featured on the Very Spatial Podcast

Jessie and Sue featured the terrafuture podcasts on their Very Spatial podcast episode 17.

Jessie and Sue are a pair of academics who produce a weekly show on Geography and GIS technology, and although rather US centric is really worth subscribing to.

This week’s discussion focused on the topic of private or personal data, interesting in that it seemed to demonstrate the different attitudes between the US and Europe, where in the US generally, data needs to be identified as private with the expectation that most data is in the public domain, in Europe the reverse is true, data is assumed to be private with legislation like the data protection act to protect access to personal information.

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.

Technology Thoughts

Firefox more popular than IE

I had one of my occasional looks through the logs of this evening and found that for the first half of this month for the first time ever Firefox – OK Mozilla/5.0 was a more popular browser than Internet Explorer just..

25.16% Mozilla/5.0
25.10% MSIE 6.

Interesting after this most user agents where either search bots or RSS aggregators.

So the momentum behind firefox continues, if you are a PC user and you are still using Internet Explorer CHANGE NOW !!

Get Firefox!

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.