GIS Thoughts

Mapping Hacks – a response

Jo of Mapping Hacks has responded to my call for her to attempt to collect detailed mapping to the specification of the OS without access to the survey grade GPS and photogrammetry, with the usual rhetoric… but Jo will you take up the challenge ?

I think Jo actually accepts the need for the OS to continue it’s role in capturing large scale vector mapping for the country, this is an expensive business (not just toys) – our opinions differ as to how this is funded.

Jo favours the state funding of these activities, while I and the current government favour the user paying.


– Getmapping do collect imagery on behalf of the OS under contract already..

– The NIMSA agreement represents a “at cost” contract to deliver mapping services to government and represents less than 10 % of the OS revenue.

One reply on “Mapping Hacks – a response”

Ed is right. A lot of big innovation is happening in the underground, way out of the establishment’s sight. As an industry analyst, I’m awed by the speed and spontanous results that the hacker community produces. Also as an industry analyst, I still trying to figure out how these results will change the geo-industry. But, change it they will.

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