
News travels faster via blogs

Now back from the GITA show I am reflecting on one of the few events, which caused much excitement at the show – or actually did not occur at the show. Much of the GIS press both print and online flew into a rage on Wednesday on the announcement in a number of blogs of the release of the next version of AutoCAD, yes you guessed it AutoCAD 2006. Why the fuss – well these guys had been working to a press embargo for the official launch, which was to have been today!!

This was particularly embarrassing for my ex-employer Autodesk as the bloggers had been given permission from marketing to “leak” information and included notable AEC figures such as Lynn Allen Autodesk’s Technical Evangelist.

Red faces all round but it is interesting that Autodesk’s marketeers are recognising the importance of the blogging community as a influencer in addition to the traditional press.

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