
Must hear – The Triumph of Technology

Just caught the latest of Reith 2005 lectures on Radio 4 delivered by Lord Broers, fantastic stuff looking at the impact of Technology on society and how innovation takes place. You can listen on line at and for a week after each lecture download to podcast.

Makes you proud of the BBC !!

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.


Mac OS 10.4 “Tiger” to ship April 29 in black
The Apple website turns black !!

The latest version of the best desktop operating system Mac OS Tiger is set to ship within weeks, priced at £89. Look for special events at the AppleStore Regent Street.

Technology Thoughts

Is that a gadget in your pocket … reports that the average London commuter carry’s £500 ($1000) worth of electronics with them on their journey to work. It’s easy to see how this all adds up, and I’m often packing a mobile phone, blackberry, ipod and powerbook whenever I travel.

What ever happened to device consolidation most of the above devices functions could be combined and delivered on a smartphone like the Sony Ericsson P900?

Well I used to have a smartphone and for me anyway it is a question of ergonomics, I find it easier to use my blackberry for email and diary/contacts and my SE V800 as a phone because I need to look at the screen of one at talk into the other at the same time.

I’m sure convergence will come but I think we need some far more innovative smartphone designers – roll on the much talked about iPhone from Apple ?