Data Policy Thoughts

Data : the key to the Climate Change debate ?

Over the next week or so the media will be full of stories from Copenhagen as the world’s leader fly into the city for United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP-15. There will no doubt be limited progress towards agreeing to reduce greenhouse gases emissions globally, getting international governments to agree on anything is difficult, and to agree on making such potentially major changes to their economies is difficult despite the dire consequences of doing nothing.

The debate is not helped by lingering doubts among many people that climate change itself is no more than a liberal conspiracy or at least there is little evidence to support that mankind and increased CO2 emissions are actually responsible for the changes.

Of both sides of the arguments there are powerful interest bodies, who are actively working on providing their interpretations to the evidence without necessarily being fair and open minded, even respected academics it appears have felt it necessary to manipulate information to fit their world view.

Ultimately if we are to get politicians to act with conviction on this matter, they need to believe it is something for which there will be a domestic political cost for not doing so, and this only results from the issue becoming something that the mainstream population has a firmly held opinion of.

Unfortunately people have lost confidence is both politicians and I’m afraid scientists to provide unbiased analysis of data on Climate Change, perhaps we now need to better educate people as to how to look at climate change data themselves  and to make this data available without spin or interpretation so that people can make their own minds up.

Last week I visited the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Ispra, Italy and meet with some scientists who are analysing greenhouse gas emission data over the last 25 years. The EDGAR project latest analysis is to try provide a granular map of the distribution of greenhouse gas emissions which they have visualised using Google Earth.

This is no doubt a powerful image, and an interesting talking point to the debate, but it is also the results of a model, a manipulation of raw data to paint a picture.


There is of course nothing wrong with this, as it makes a particular point, and because in this case the  raw data behind the analysis as well as the well documented model are also easily accessible for bedroom scientists to analyse themselves.

And before any climate scientists out there claim that this is ridiculous and that the general public cannot be expected to deal with such complex tools and concepts, ask a surveyor or cartographer if they expected that the general public would be building the only detailed global digital maps a few years ago ?

Written and submitted from my home (51.425N, 0.331W)

Data Policy

For transport data, OpenGov actions can speak louder than words


If you have ever wondered why there is such great public transport information available around the world on Google Maps compared to the UK, this Early Day Motion from Tom Watson MP will give you a major clue.

So here is a great opportunity to test Government rhetoric about making government data that would be useful for citizen services freely available, and it’s hard to find a case against this particular type of data,  just ask the residents of  Los Angles, San Francisco, Denver, Atlanta, New York, Boston, Lisbon,Moscow,Zurich, Delhi, Adelaide and nearly 100 more cities around the world.

I often talk about how making information available can change peoples behaviour and the availability of this type of information, via multiple channels including the web and mobile devices is just such an example; remove the “unknown” from using public transport planning and more people will use it.

Written and submitted from the Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort, Uganda (0.238N, 32.623E

Data Policy Thoughts

Why boundaries are important geodata

A great post by Matthew Somerville on the blog, discusses the impact of Parliamentary constituencies changing and some of the political capital that is generated as a result.

Birmingham parliamentary boundaries
Birmingham parliamentary boundaries

Transparency in this part of the democratic process will absolutely vital in the upcoming general election, and yes you guessed it although the boundaries are defined by the Boundaries Commission their representation as geospatial data is Crown Copyright managed by Ordnance Survey.

This is the one data set currently licensed by the OS that should surely if not put into the public domain be licensed under one of the new more open and lightweight licenses the OS are working as part  of their new strategy.

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network