GIS Thoughts

Where 2.0 – a wake up call ?

Daniel H. Stienberg pens a review of the where 2.0 conference at O’Reilly Network: The How and Who of Where. A whole new sector of the GI market is emerging based on open IT standards, and collaborative development. The old guard of the established mapping agencies needs to take note, although their core business will remain unchanged, consumer mapping applications have changed forever.

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.

GIS Technology

Google Sightseeing

Just came upon this, site while researching my talk for next weeks cc Exchange conference at the OS in Southampton.

Another Google Maps API app but great fun, love this picture of a Tomcat in flight…

GIS Thoughts

Official Google Maps API

As reported by O’Reilly Radar Google have released an official API to their google maps application at the Where 2.0 conference. Website developers can legitimately embed google maps in their application for no charge !! – Mapquest et al… the clock is ticking.

But you ask how can this work, google has to pay teleatlas, digitalglobe and others for the data.. well the answer is on the google maps API page –

“The Maps API is a free beta service, available for any web site that is free to consumers. Google retains the right to put advertising on the map in the future. Please see the terms of use for more information.”


but hey this is GREAT at last some innovation.

Written and submitted from home, using my home 802.11 network.