The past couple of months seems to have offered a cathartic opportunity for the relatively small UK Geographic Information Industry to get some long terms issues off its collective chest.
In no particular order we have seen the following public responses to the Consultation for the future of Ordnance Survey. (Let me know if you know of any more.. updated – thanks for all the links, keep them coming)
- Local Government Association Group
- Advisory Panel on Public Sector Information
- Locus Association
- Tom Hughes
- Association for Geographic Information
- Free our Data Campaign
- Traveline
- OSGeo UK chapter and the Open Knowledge Foundation Network
- Andy Robinson
- Simon Brooke
- Stutchbury
- CycleStreets
- The Ramblers
- Christopher Roper
- The NHS Information Centre
- Leeds City Council
- Will Abson
- British Cartographic Society
- Bob Barr
All these responses share a common opinion that the status-quo or Ordnance Survey’s own strategy (remember that?) for it’s future is not acceptable.
In many cases the responses quite rightly identify the issue as something wider than just should OS make some data free, but what is the UK strategy for the use of Geographic Information in general.
This strategic view is something which has never been defined clearly, but is something OS has unfortunately tried to remain gatekeeper for, as it’s Director General is advisor to Government on all things geographical.
The consultation understandably and in my mind quite rightly has remained focused on the specifics of making OS data free, and in the great tradition of Civil Service options papers offers a Goldilocks Choice; one too cold, one too hot and one option just about acceptable.
Option 1 appears to maintain the status-quo and I don’t see anyone outside the Romsey Road distortion field supporting it.
Option 2 is perhaps something that may be achievable in the long term with continued technological change and changing market requirements, however at the moment this would put Ordnance Survey in a position where it’s current operational processes are financially unsustainable.
So Option 3 represents the obvious compromise, some small scale data for free while allowing the cash cow of MasterMap to continue to fund a reduced but largely similar OS to the one we have today.
There are of course two rather large Elephants in the room, one of which appears to have been put into the “too difficult” bucket and the other is not mentioned perhaps because by making data free the issue will disappear ?
Postal Geography, the fact there is no single address register which can be used without major limitations is a national embarrassment, for a knowledge economy this is the equivalent of trying to run railways before a single standard time was introduced. This is an issue bigger than Ordnance Survey, although OS has had it’s part to play in the current mess, this really does need strategic leadership from the centre.
Derived Data, OS must stop its current practice of claiming intellectual property rights to any geospatial product created with even passing reference to Ordnance Survey products as “derived” information. There is no direct mention of this is the consultation, and if OS data is made available using a CC-BY license then this may not be an issue, but I would really like to see this clarified.
I just can’t help thinking however them is a dreamlike / fairy tale element to this process, Goldilocks aside. The consultation process ends today, and Government will probably shut down and enter Purdah in 2 weeks, I just hope we don’t wake up after the election and find the whole process was a dream and the new administration has much bigger issues to deal with.
Written and submitted from home (51.425N, 0.331W)
21 replies on “OS Consultation; a fairy tale ?”
The Traveline consultation response
The OSGeo UK chapter and the Open Knowledge Foundation Network have made a shared response:
Three more: , , .
Another one, from ourselves:
And also CycleStreets
And the Ramblers:
A personal one, but not from mapperz but Tom Hughes
links to the PDF 2nd March 2010
(decides Option 3 after pondering Option 2)
“extraordinarily complicated Ordnance Survey licensing schemes seem to lead to.”
credit to Tom Hughes
And another:
Of course Ed there is a third Elephant that you did not spot, although how you missed it with it being the biggest in the room is beyond me, perhaps you chose to ignore it?
Who is going to pay for this free data? The consultation was at best hazy on this… Whenever central funding for OS data for government has been proposed Treasury have insisted that data should be paid for at the point of use – will they change this view to support OS free? It does not seem likely from the consultation, it suggests tariff rebalancing as a way to increase governments subsidisation of OS. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can convince my CEO that she has to put more of her rapidly shrinking budget into paying for data rather than delivering outcomes for the environment?
It is for this reason that most government bodies including the steering group for the PGA (central governements collective purchasing agreement) can only state support for option 1 – maintaining the status quo.
I think everyone agrees that option 2 would offer the most potential for innovation but that it would be expensive. It is my view that option 3 would just create more of a mess and ultimately a reduction in the cash available to organisations delivering key public services.
This is my view and not that of my employer.
One final non-response: .
OS say it would be “inappropriate” for them to have submitted a response, so they haven’t. I’m slightly surprised by this – to trot out my usual analogy, I believe that British Waterways has been invited to submit a response to DEFRA’s recent ‘Waterways for Everyone’ consultation.